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there fine
This pail perch works great with the 7 gallon heated bottling tank I got from Hillco and is easy to clean. I’ve found that I can rest the bucket so no honey drips off of the pail perch and no need to wash honey off of it. Great price as well.
This made transferring from storage bucket to bottling bucket a one man operation. I poured the bulk of the bucket in and let the rest drain while I continued to bottle. I used a scraper to get the last bit out. If you are a small scale hobbyist like myself, this is a no brainer.
Work's great with my bottling tank I just bought from Hillco.
Like all equipment I have purchased from Hillco the perch is well built from stainless steel and food grade to last many years. I use it to fill my 19 gallon bottling tank.